Bluetooth zvuk (Bluetooth audio)
Bluetooth Audio add-on is abandoned. Silence playing functionality has been merged to NVDA core as of version 2024.2 and is turned on by default, so no further action is required.
If you would like to hear white noise, you would need to set a hidden option:
- Open
. If you have installed copy of NVDA, it is located at%APPDATA%\NVDA\nvda.ini
. - Quit NVDA and open Narrator.
- Find
section. Within that section, add the following line:
whiteNoiseVolume = 50
Save and close the file. Restart NVDA.
Bluetooth Audio is an NVDA add-on that improves sound quality when working with bluetooth or RF headphones or speakers.
Većina bluetooth uređaja prelazi u pripremno stanje nakon par sekundi neaktivnosti. To znači, da se gubi prvi djelić sekunde zvuka, kad NVDA ponovo počne govoriti. Dodatak „Bluetooth zvuk” sprečava prelaz bluetooth uređaja u pripremno stanje, puštanjem stalnog bešumnog zvuka, koji je nečujan za ljudsko uho.
Bluetooth Audio can optionally play white noise sound instead of silence. This can be good for testing or to ascertain that Bluetooth Audio works as expected. However, same level of audio quality improvement can be achieved by playing silence.
Napomena: korištenjem dodatka „Bluetooth audio” se skraćuje vijek trajanja baterije bluetooth uređaja.
- Current stable version (Python 3 only, requires NVDA 2019.3 or later): BluetoothAudio
- Last Python 2 version (compatible with NVDA 2019.2 and prior): v1.0
Bluetooth Audio add-on doesn't have any keystrokes. It works as long as it is installed.
Source code
Source code is available at