Ažuriranje dodataka (Add-on Updater)

  • Autor: Joseph Lee, Luke Davis
  • Preuzmi stabilnu verziju
  • NVDA compatibility: 2023.1-2024.2+
  • Ovo je mogući stari dodatak: NVDA 2023.2 uključuje funkciju provjere ažuriranja dodataka putem trgovine dodataka

Ovaj dodatak rješava problem 3208, prijavljen za NVDA jezgru: mogućnost za provjeravanje, preuzimanje i primjenu nadogradnji dodataka.

To check for updates after installing this add-on, go to NVDA menu/Tools/Check for add-on updates (if NVDA did notice updates, the menu item will say "Review add-on updates" followed by update count). If updates are available, a list of add-on updates will be shown, with each entry consisting of add-on name, current version, new version, and update channel. Select Update, and NVDA will download and apply updates in sequence, with a prompt to restart your NVDA shown afterwards.

Sljedeći dodaci sadrže ugrađenu funkciju za nadogradnju, tako da se te nadogradnje neće provjeravati putem ovog dodatka:

  • Brajično proširenje
  • Tienda NVDA (trgovina španjoljske NVDA zajednice)


  • Once the relevant feature is included in NVDA in the form of an add-on store with automatic updates and update notification, this add-on will be phased out. Currently, while the Add-on Store was introduced in NVDA 2023.2, and basic update notifications will be available in NVDA 2024.3, the full range of capabilities are not yet available.
  • This add-on requires Windows 10 Version 22H2 or later.
  • Ovaj dodatak nije namijenjen za korištenje u sigurnim ekranima. Ako imaš instalirane dodatke u sigurnom ekranu, čak i ako kopiraš dodatak „Ažuriranje dodataka” u sigurnom modusu ekrana, dodatak „Ažuriranje dodataka” neće raditi.
  • Ako nove nadogradnje dodatka određuju raspon kompatibilnosti (minimalna i zadnja testirana NVDA verzija) i ako se pokrenuta NVDA verzija ne nalazi u rasponu kompatibilnosti koju je odredio NVDA, nadogradnja dodatka se neće nastaviti.
  • Not all add-ons come with development releases. If you are not getting updates after choosing to install development versions of an add-on, switch to stable channel for affected add-ons.
  • In the NVDA settings window, while editing the settings for Add-on Updater, you may notice that the title indicates that you are editing settings for a particular configuration profile (whatever profile you had active before entering settings). This does not matter. This add-on's settings are always global.
  • On some systems (particularly computers joined to a corporate domain), add-on update check functionality may not work properly, therefore add-on updates must be downloaded manually.
  • Some features require NVDA to be installed on the computer.
  • Some add-on releases include SHA256 hash values for checking add-on package integrity (all add-ons published on add-on store include SHA256 values), and if the hash value does not match, add-on updating will fail.

Add-on settings

You can configure Add-on Updater settings from NVDA Settings screen (NVDA menu, Preferences, Settings) under Add-on Updater category. Add-on settings are as follow:

  • Automatically check for add-on updates: if checked, NVDA will check for add-on updates once every 12 hours. Automatic update checks are enabled by default on Windows client systems, and disabled by default on server systems.
  • Add-on update notification: you can choose to receive update notification as a dialog or a toast. On server systems or running a portable copy of NVDA, update notification will be shown as a dialog.
  • Update add-ons in the background (update notification is set to toast): if checked, Add-on Updater will apply updates in the background. A toast will appear informing you that add-on updates are being downloaded and installed, followed by another message announcing update results. Same limitations as add-on update notification setting and toast must be selected from the above option in order for background updates to work.
  • Do not update add-ons: you can choose add-ons that should not be updated.
  • Prefer development releases: any add-ons checked in this list will receive development (prerelease) releases.
  • Development release channel (selected add-on must be checked from prefer development releases): allows selecting development updates coming from either dev or beta channel.
  • Add-on update source: you can choose where to get updates from. Currently Add-on Updater supports downloading updates from the sources listed below. A confirmation message will be shown after changing update source.

Dostupni izvori ažuriranja dodataka su:

  • NV Access trgovina dodataka (zadano)
  • Web stranica dodataka zajednice
  • Katalog dodataka španjolske zajednice
  • Katalozi koju održavaju NVDA zajednice u Kini i Tajvanu

Version 24.3/24.08

  • When NVDA starts, Add-on Updater will not present updates dialog if NVDA 2024.3 or later is in use and update notifications is set to "notify" from NVDA's add-on store settings.

Version 24.2.4

  • Fix a bug related to the fix in version 24.2.1: that bug was not fully fixed in NVDA 2023.X, because the fix relied on a change made in NVDA 2024.1. This situation is now detected and patched (josephsl/addonUpdater#22).
  • The update interval has been changed to 12 hours.
  • The readme now makes note of the update notifications available natively in NVDA 2024.3.
  • The readme has been updated to comment on an unfixable, but harmless, bug in NVDA's settings panel (josephsl/addonUpdater#8).

Version 24.2.2

  • Lower update interval to six hours.

Version 24.2.1

  • Fixes a problem wherein Updater's updates, which appear in the external channel, were shown as still updatable in the store via the stable (or other) channel. Caused by residual JSON files from old non-external installations. Now they are removed.

Version 24.2.0

  • Release compatible with NVDA 2024.1.

Version 24.01.1

  • Short life-span release which removes the legacy status introduced in late

Verzija 23.10

  • Changed update notification message to mention NV Access add-on store if running NVDA 2023.2 or later and add-on update source is set to add-on store.

Verzija 23.09

  • Potrebna je Windows 10 verzija 22H2 ili novija.

Verzija 23.08

This is the final version to support Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 21H2 and earlier.

  • Add-on update results dialog or toast message will be shown once add-on store message is closed.
  • If add-on updates dialog is shown and then closed without installing add-ons, NVDA will no longer report no add-on updates when add-on updates are checked.
  • Add-on Updater will no longer present startup messages and perform update checks if updating a portable copy of NVDA.

Verzija 23.07

  • If using an NVDA release with add-on store included, a startup message will be shown informing users about the new add-on store. If this happens, add-on update results dialog will not be shown. Add-on Updater will continue to work.
  • Improved performance when checking for add-on updates from NV Access add-on store and community add-ons website update sources, particularly when no add-on updates are available.

Verzija 23.06

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2023.1 ili novija.
  • Changed default add-on update source from community add-ons website to NV Access add-on store.

Verzija 23.05

  • Add-on update channel will be displayed when reviewing available add-on updates.
  • NVDA will present a message about add-on store if using NVDA releases with add-on store included.

Verzija 23.04

  • Dodana je postavka aktualiziranja kanala razvoja kako bi korisnici razvojnih dodataka mogli birati između aktualiziranja razvojnih i beta kanala. Ova se opcija prikazuje ako je označen odabrani dodatak u popisu preferiranih razvojnih izdanja.
  • Dodana je NV Access trgovina dodataka kao eksperimentalni izvor za ažuriranje dodataka.

NV Access trgovina dodataka je dostupna kao izvor ažuriranja pomoću dodatka „Ažuriranje dodataka”.

Verzija 23.03

  • Due to changes made to the website used by some update sources, this must be installed manually.
  • Dodana je NV Access trgovina dodataka kao eksperimentalni izvor za ažuriranje dodataka.

Verzija 23.02

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2022.4 ili novija.
  • NVDA više neće nuditi ono što izgleda kao starija ažuriranja dodataka za većinu dodataka nakon provjere ažuriranja dodataka. Ovo se odnosi na dodatke s tekstom verzije u formatu „broj.broj”.

Verzija 23.01

  • NVDA will check minimum Windows version for add-on updates if update source is set to NVDA community add-ons website.
  • Improved performance when downloading many ad-on updates at once. As a result, the order of add-on downloads shown in download progress dialog will be random.
  • Parts of the add-on now use Python's concurrent.futures module to improve performance, specifically update check and download processes.

Verzija 22.11

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2022.3 ili novija.

Verzija 22.10

  • Added catalogs from NVDA communities in China and Taiwan as add-on update sources (by Woody Tseng).

Verzija 22.09

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2022.2 ili novija.
  • NVDA will check SHA256 hash values while downloading add-on updates if the add-on update source includes hash values for add-on packages. If hash value is invalid, add-on updating will fail.

Verzija 22.08

  • Significant internal code reorganization and rewrites.
  • On Windows Server systems, automatic add-on update check feature is disabled by default (affects new installations).
  • Added ability to select different add-on update sources. Add-on Updater can check for updates hosted on community add-ons website (addons.nvda-project.org) or Spanish community add-ons catalog (nvda.es). A new combo box was added in add-on settings panel to select add-on update source.
  • On Windows 10 and later, it is possible to let Add-on Updater check for, download, and install add-on updates in the background provided that NVDA is actually installed and ad-on update notification is set to toast.
  • Redesigned add-on update download and install experience for multiple add-on updates, including use of a single dialog to show download progress for all add-ons and updating add-ons after downloading all of them.
  • If NVDA is set to announce update notifications as toasts, "check for add-on updates" menu item will become "review add-on updates" when updates become available, with the new name including add-on update count.
  • In NVDA 2022.1 and later, Add-on Updater can process command-line switches for this add-on (currently none).
  • In add-on updates dialog, add-ons disabled by the user are unchecked by default, and a confirmation message will be shown checking disabled add-ons and attempting to update them as doing so will enable them.

Verzija 22.07

  • URL's used by the add-on are now constants hosted inside a new module (contributed by Luke Davis).
  • Add-on download progress dialog is now centered on screen.

Verzija 22.03

  • Poboljšana je sigurnost ne učitavanjem dodatka kad NVDA radi u sigurnom modusu.

Verzija 22.02

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2021.3 ili novija.
  • U sustavu Windows 10, obavijesti o ažuriranju dodatka su prevedena.

Verzija 22.01

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2021.2 ili novija.
  • On server systems running Windows Server 2016 and later, add-on updates will be presented in a dialog instead of using toast notifications.

Verzija 21.10

  • It is again possible to check for add-on updates on some systems, notably after a clean Windows installation.

Verzija 21.09

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2021.1 ili novija.
  • on Windows 10 and later, it is possible to select add-on update notification between a toast message and an update dialog. This can be configured from Add-on Updater settings found in NVDA Settings screen.
  • Add-on Updater will no longer check minimum Windows release information for add-ons as add-ons such as Windows App Essentials provide better Windows compatibility information.

Verzija 21.07

  • On Windows 10 and later, a toast notification will be shown when add-on updates are available. Note that you cannot click this notification - you must open NVDA menu/Tools/Check for add-on updates to review updates.
  • When legacy add-ons dialog is shown at startup, you can now review legacy add-ons and reasons just like add-on updates.
  • Improved add-on update check internals, including use of add-on metadata collection provided by the community to validate add-on compatibility. Among other things, this eliminates add-on releases for adding update checks for new add-ons.

Verzija 21.05

  • NVDA will no longer play error tones if trying to check updates while using NVDA 2021.1 alpha snapshots, caused by changes to wxPython GUI toolkit.

Verzija 21.03

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2020.4 ili novija.
  • NVDA will present an error dialog if errors occur while checking for add-on updates such as loss of Internet connection.

Verzija 20.11

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2020.3 ili novija.
  • Riješeni su daljnji problemi sa stilom kodiranja kao i potencijalne greške s Flake8.
  • NVDA will no longer play error tones or appear to do nothing when using the add-on while NVDA is running from source code. A message about this fact will be recorded in the log instead.

Verzija 20.07

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2020.1 ili novija.
  • Ako postoje zastarjeli instalirani dodaci (npr. ekranska zavjesa), nadogradnja dodataka prikazat će popis dodataka koji se moraju deaktivirati ili deinstalirati.
  • Sada je moguće spremiti, ponovo učitati ili resetirati postavke nadogradnje dodataka, jednim pritiskom tipki kontrol+NVDA+C, kontrol+NVDA+R ili trostrukim pritiskom tipki kontrol+NVDA+R.

Verzija 20.06

  • Riješeni su mnogi problemi sa stilom kodiranja kao i potencijalne greške s Flake8.

Verzija 20.04

  • NVDA se više neće ponašati kao da ništa ne radi, niti će reproducirati zvukove greške prilikom pokušaja nadograđivanja dodataka pomoću dodatka „Nadogradnja dodataka”.
  • Ispravljena greška nepostojeće stavke za provjeru nadogradnje dodatka u NVDA izborniku alata.

Verzija 20.03

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2019.3 ili novija.
  • Prilikom instaliranja nadogradnji dodataka, dodatak „Nadogradnja dodataka” više ne provjerava raspon kompatibilnosti. Kompatibilnost se provjerava direktno u NVDA-u.

Verzija 19.11

  • Kad postoje nadogradnje, NVDA će objaviti broj dostupnih nadogradnji.

Verzija 19.09

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2019.2 ili novija.
  • Otklonjene su greške isteka vremena prilikom pokušaja preuzimanja nekih nadogradnji dodataka (to se odnosi naročito za datoteke dodatka koje se nalaze na GitHubu).

Verzija 19.04

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2019.1 ili novija.
  • Prilikom instaliranja nadogradnji dodataka, provjerit će se minimalna i zadnja testirana verzija.

Verzija 19.01

  • Potrebna je NVDA verzija 2018.4 ili novija.
  • Unaprijeđene performanse za provjeravanje nadogradnji.
  • Povećana kompatibilnost dodatka s Python 3.

Verzija 18.12.2

  • Spreman za Python 3.
  • Ispravljena je kompatibilnost s nedavnim NVDA alpha snimkama, u kojima se nadogradnje dodataka nisu preuzimala.

Verzija 18.12.1

  • Dodane su lokalizacije.

Verzija 18.12

  • Moguće je provjeriti nadogradnje za isključene dodatke. Dodaci će ostati isključeni i nakon ažuriranja.
  • Za vrijeme nadogradnji, provjerit će se, je li dodaci zahtijevaju specifičnu NVDA verziju i/ili Windows izdanje. Ako nešto ne paše, prikazat će se poruka greške i nadogradnja će se prekinuti. Na taj se način već instalirane verzije dodatka neće promijeniti.
  • Kad je automatsko provjeravanje nadogradnji aktivirano i kad su nadogradnje spremne, NVDA će prikazati popis s dodacima, umjesto pitanja o tome, je li se nadogradnje žele pregledati.

Verzija 18.10

  • Prvo stabilno izdanje (i dalje označena kao dokaz koncepcije).