Pregled stupaca (Columns Review)

Pregled stupaca je dodatak za poboljšanje NVDA iskustva s popisima.

Its features include:

  • customizable actions on column header and/or content (available actions are read, copy, spell and show in browse mode);
  • ability to cycle between columns in ten-by-ten intervals;
  • simplified header management (mouse clicks);
  • on-demand reading of relative current item position (i.e.: item 7 of 10);
  • customizable gestures with or without numpad;
  • "0 items" announcement when list is empty (not working in Win8/10 folders, unfortunately);
  • say all support;
  • report of selected items (amount and item names);
  • list search (with item multiselection, if checked/supported).


Zadane tipke za stupce, zaglavlja i položaj su NVDA+control, ali se mogu prilagoditi u postavkama dodatka (ne dijalog „Geste za unos”!).

Note that your keyboard could have problems processing some key combinations, so try all add-on gestures and adjust them for better results.

See also add-on preferences for numpad mode, keyboard layout (without numpad), and the four available actions for columns.

  • NVDA+kontrol+brojke 1 do 0 (modus tipkovnice) ili 1 do 9 (modus numeričke tipkovnice): standardno je postavljeno: jednom pritisnuto, čita odabrani stupac, dvaput pritisnuto, kopira stupac;
  • NVDA+kontrol+Minus na numeričkoj tipkovnici (modus numeričke tipkovnice): kao u tipkovničkom modusu, NVDA+kontrol+0 čita ili kopira deseti stupac, dvadeseti stupac itd.;
  • NVDA+kontrol+- (modus tipkovnice, američki raspored tipkovnice): u popisu s 10 i više stupaca promijeni interval i obradu stupaca od 11. do 20., od
    1. do 30. itd. (u postavkama promijeni zadnji znak u skladu s tvojim rasporedom tipkovnice);
  • NVDA+kontrol+Plus na numeričkoj tipkovnici (modus numeričke tipkovnice): kao prethodna naredba;
  • NVDA+kontrol+enter (Enter u modusu numeričke tipkovnice): otvori upravljač zaglavlja;
  • NVDA+control+delete (numpadDelete in numpad mode): read relative current item position (i.e.: item 7 of 10);
  • Strelice i NVDA+tabulator (u praznom popisu): ponovi poruku „0 elemenata”;
  • NVDA+downArrow (desktop layout) or NVDA+a (laptop layout): start say all (this gesture depends on original one under "Input gestures"/"System caret");
  • NVDA+shift+upArrow (desktop layout) or NVDA+shift+s (laptop layout): report amount and names of current selected list items (like previous command for customization);
  • NVDA+control+f: open find dialog (not customizable);
  • NVDA+f3: find next occurrence of previously entered text (not customizable);
  • NVDA+shift+f3: find previous occurrence (not customizable).


This add-on provide a general support for more common lists (see below), and some specific applications. Main author (Alberto Buffolino) cannot guarantee compatibility/functionality for those applications he not uses, like Outlook and Windows Mail, but he'll be happy to collaborate with their users or accept a pull request for them.

Podržani popisi:

  • SysListView32;
  • DirectUIHWND (prisutno u 64-bitnom sustavu);
  • WindowsForms10.SysListView32.* (programi koji koriste .NET);
  • višestupčan stablasti prikaz kao u RSSOwlnix;
  • Mozilla tablica (popis poruka od Thunderbirda, podržava grupiranje po temama).