Easy Table Navigator
- Authors: Corentin Bacqué-Cazenave, Joseph Lee
- Download stable version
- Download development version
- NVDA compatibility: 2019.3 and beyond
This plugin adds a layer command to use simplified key combination to navigate table cells. When the layered commands are enabled, you can perform the following actions:
- Navigate to the previous or next cell horizontally or vertically using arrow keys
- Navigate to the first or last cell of the row or the column using control+arrow keys or Home, End, PageUp and PageDown
- Read the whole row or column without moving the system caret using windows+leftArrow / windows+upArrow
- Read the row or column starting from the current cell using windows+rightArrow / windows+downArrow
الجداول التي تدعمها حالايا هي:
- جداول نمط التصفح (Internet Explorer, Firefox, إلخ.).
- [جداول Microsoft Word.
مفاتيح الخاتصار
- التبديل بين تشغيل وتعطيل نمط الأوامر, الذي سيمكنك من استخدام الأسهم للحركة على خلايا الجدول, (لم يتم تعيين مفتاح اختصار)
Changes for 2.4
For this release, many thanks goes to Cyrille Bougot for his work.
- Table navigation fixed in MS Word
Introduce new commands following changes in NVDA 2022.2 and 2022.4
- home/end/pgUp/pgDown to jump to start/end of row/column
- control+left/right/up/downArrow to jump to start/end of row/column (alternative shortcut key for the same result)
- NVDA+left/up to read the whole row/column starting from the first cell without moving the current position of the cursor
- NVDA+right/down for sayAll in row/column, i.e. read the cells of the current row/column, starting from the current cell and moving the cursor's position while reading until the last cell of the row/column.
Remaped some keys to avoid conflicts:
- NVDA+upArrow/leftArrow becomes windows+upArrow/leftArrow (to read full column/row)
- NVDA+downArrow/rightArrow becomes windows+downArrow/rightArrow (say all in column/row)
Compatibility with NVDA 2023.1
Changes for 2.3
- It is now possible to disable table navigation layer from everywhere
- Compatibility with NVDA 2022.1
- Fix error when reloading the addon
Changes for 2.2.1
- Fixed an error in some type of documents including Word and Outlook
Changes for 2.2
- Update documentation style from addons template
- First translated version
Changes for 2.1.1
- New author in manifest and documentation
Changes for 2.1
- Compatibility with NVDA 2021.1
Changes for 2.0
- Requires NVDA 2019.3 or later.
- Made various add-on messages translatable.
Changes for 1.2
- Internal changes to support future NVDA releases.
مستجدات الإصدار 1.1
- معالجة مشكلة سماع صوت خطأ عند فحص خطأ هجائي بإحدى الرسائل بتطبيق outlook.
مستجدات الإصدار 1.0
- إصدار أولي