Extended Winamp
- Authors: Hrvoje Katic, Beqa Gozalishvili and NVDA-addon-team
- Download stable version
- NVDA compatibility: 2020.1 and beyond
This add-on extends the original Winamp app module found in NVDA with some extra functionality.
- S: toggle shuffle on/off
- R: toggle repeat on/off
- F5: mute playback
- F6: set playback volume to 25%
- F7: set playback volume to 50%
- F8: set playback volume to 100%
- Shift+Left arrow: pan Left
- Shift+Right arrow: pan Right
- Shift+Up arrow: pan Center
- Control+Shift+T: speaks total Track Length
- Control+Shift+E: speaks track Elapsed Time
- Control+Shift+R: speaks track Remaining Time
- Shift+R: Review the end of track "last 6 seconds by default"
- Control+R: Set the review time "in seconds" for use with Review End of Track command
- Shift+J: Set alternate jump time "in seconds"
- Control+Right arrow: alternate Jump Forward "6 seconds by default"
- Control+Left arrow: alternate Jump Backward "6 seconds by default"
Changes for 2.0
- Resolved many coding style issues and potential bugs with Flake8.
- Made compatible with NVDA 2021.1.
Changes for 1.2
- Updated Addon to work on NVDA 2019.3 and above.
- New languages: Croatian, Polish, Simplified Chinese.
Az 1.1 verzió változásai
- Új nyelvek: Aragóniai, Arab, Holland, Német, Finn, Francia, Galíciai, Magyar, Olasz, Japán, Kóreai, Nepáli, Brazil Portugál, Orosz, Szlovák, Szlovén, Spanyol, Tamil, Török.
Az 1.0 verzió változásai
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