注:このドキュメントは、以前の「NVDAアドオンとPython 3」ドキュメントに基づいています。「NVDAアドオンとPython 3」も、履歴保存のため現在も閲覧可能です。
1年に1度、NV Accessは、以前の物と互換性のないNVDAリリースをすることがあります。典型的には、最初の主要リリース(年.1)です。ここでは、「以前の物と互換性がない」は、APIの変更によりアドオンに互換性がなくなるNVDAのリリースを意味します。こうなる場合、作者はアドオンの互換性をテストし、更新をリリースしなければなりません。
- 2019.3: Python 2から3へ。スピーチリファクタ
- 2021.1: コードリファクタリング、wxPython 4.1.1
- 2022.1: コントロールタイプのリファクタ
- 2023.1 (current): security and speech changes
Note to add-on authors: when backwards incompatible NVDA release enters beta testing phase (with the release of beta 1), be sure to test your add-ons and report your next steps, including update plans and release announcements to NVDA community through various channels (add-ons list, users list, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Also, send a pull request against nvaccess/addon-datastore repo on GitHub so that updated add-ons can be posted on this website.
Unless otherwise specified, add-ons listed on this page are checked against latest backwards incompatible NVDA release (2023.1).
Status of add-ons compatible with NVDA 2023.1 and availability on the website
- アドオンの互換性状態は、予告なく変更される場合があります。
- それにより何が起きるかを知らない場合は、NVDAの安定性の低下のような、予見できない挙動の原因となるので、互換性のないアドオンのmanifest.iniファイルを変更しないで下さい。
- When maintainers have asked to post an add-on on the website via a pull request or an add-on store submission or publishes plans for testing add-on compatibility, this will be reflected as "coming soon to the website".
- もし、アドオンについて今後維持されないと記載されている場合は、アドオンの維持については作者に連絡を取って下さい。
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tseng Woody tsengwoody.tw@gmail.com
Add-on Updater
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com
Add-ons documentation
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Rui Fontes rui.fontes@tiflotecnia.com, Zougane, Rémy and Abdel
Addon to count elements of selected text
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Rui Fontes rui.fontes@tiflotecnia.com
Application Dictionary
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Rui Fontes rui.fontes@tiflotecnia.com 、 Ricardo Leonarczyk ricardo.leonarczyk95@gmail.com 、 Cyrille Bougotの協働
Beep keyboard
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: David CM dhf360@gmail.com
Bluetooth Audio
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
Braille Extender
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: André-Abush Clause dev@andreabc.net
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Javi Dominguez fjavids@gmail.com
Character Information
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Cyrille Bougot cyrille.bougot2@laposte.net
Check Input Gestures
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Oleksandr Gryshchenko grisov.nvaccess@mailnull.com
Classic Selection
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net
Clip Contents Designer
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Rui Fontes, Ângelo Abrantes, Abel Passos Júnior and colaboration of Noelia Ruiz Martínez, based on the work of Damien Sykes-Lindley
Clock and calendar Add-on for NVDA
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Hrvoje Katić hrvojekatic@gmail.com, Abdel abdelkrim.bensaid@gmail.com
Columns Review
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Alberto Buffolino a.buffolino@gmail.com, Łukasz Golonka lukasz.golonka@mailbox.org, other contributors
Console Toolkit
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
Control Usage Assistant
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com
Crash Hero
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Derek Riemer driemer.riemer@gmail.com
Cursor Locator
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com, Sergio Gómez Codina gomezcodinasergio@gmail.com
Day of the week
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Abdel abdelkrim.bensaid@gmail.com, Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
Debug Helper/Dev Helper
- 互換性: いいえ
- 注: 2021年にDev Helperに名称変更
- 連絡先: Luke Davis newanswertech@gmail.com
Developer Toolkit
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Andy Borka ajborka@gmail.com
Direct Link
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Fawaz Abdul rahman fawaz.ar94@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Rui Fontes rui.fontes@tiflotecnia.coms
Dual Voice
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Seyed Mahmood Taghavi-Shahri
Easy Table Navigator
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com, Corentin Bacqué-Cazenave corentin@progaccess.net
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Chris Leo llajta2012@gmail.com, Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com, Mesar Hameed mesar.hameed@gmail.com, Francisco Javier Estrada Martínez Fjestrad@hotmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com, Chris llajta2012@gmail.com, Alberto a.buffolino@gmail.com
Enhanced Annotations
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: George Kerscher kerscher@montana.com, Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
Enhanced Aria
- 互換性: いいえ
- 注: NVDA 2019.3に含まれているアドオン機能。
- Contact: José Manuel Delicado jm.delicado@nvda.es
Enhanced Touch Gestures
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com
Event Tracker
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Luke Davis newanswertech@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Hrvoje Katić hrvojekatic@gmail.com, beqa gozalishvili beqaprogger@gmail.com, NVDA Add-ons Team
Focus Highlight
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Takuya Nishimoto nishimotz@gmail.com
Golden Cursor
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Salah Atair atair1978@gmail.com, Wafeeq Taher, Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com, Abdel abdelkrim.bensaid@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com, David Parduhn xkill85@gmx.net, Mesar Hameed mhameed@src.gnome.org
Ignore blanks Indentation Reporting
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Samuel Kacer samuel.kacer@gmail.com
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
Input Lock
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: José Manuel Delicado jm.delicado@nvda.es
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Alexy Sadovoy aka Lex lex@progger.su, ruslan ru2020slan@yandex.ru, beqa beqaprogger@gmail.com, Mesar Hameed mhameed@src.gnome.org, Alberto Buffolino a.buffolino@gmail.com
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net
Lambda Add-On for NVDA
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Alberto Zanella, Ivan Novegil
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Neil Soiffer soiffer@alum.mit.edu
Mozilla Apps Enhancements
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Javi Dominguez fjavids@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Abdel, Rémy Ruiz, Abdellah Zineddine, Jean-François Colas
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Sergey Shishmintsev, Alexy Sadovoi, Sergey A.K.A. Electrik, Kvark and other developers
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: new releases are compatible with 2021.1 and later, older versions should be used for older NVDA releases
- 連絡先: Alberto Buffolino a.buffolino@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Derek Riemer driemer.riemer@gmail.com
Numpad Nav Mode
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Luke Davis (Open Source Systems, Ltd.) newanswertech@gmail.com
NVDA Dev & Test Toolbox
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Cyrille Bougot cyrille.bougot2@laposte.net
NVDA Remote Support
- 互換性: はい (外部から入手可能)
- 連絡先: Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net, Christopher Toth q@q-continuum.net
NVDA Unmute
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Oleksandr Gryshchenko grisov.nvaccess@mailnull.com
NVDAUpdate Channel Selector
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Jose Manuel Delicado jm.delicado@nvda.es
NV Speech Player.
- 互換性: いいえ
- 注: 最近のeSpeak NGのリリースに含まれるアドオン機能
- 連絡先: NV Access
Object Location Tones
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com
- 互換性: いいえ
- Contact: Łukasz Golonka lukasz.golonka@mailbox.org
Office Desk
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com
Outlook Extended
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Cyrille Bougot cyrille.bougot2@laposte.net, Ralf Kefferpuetz ralf.kefferpuetz@elra-consulting.de
PC Keyboard Braille Input for NVDA
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
Phonetic Punctuation
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com, Chris llajta2012@gmail.com
Proxy support for NVDA
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Jose Manuel Delicado jm.delicado@nvda.es
Quick Dictionary
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Oleksandr Gryshchenko grisov.nvaccess@mailnull.com
Quick Notetaker
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Eilana Benish <benish.ilana@gmail.com, Mohammad Suliman mohmad.s93@gmail.com
Read Feeds
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com, Mesar Hameed
Report Passwords
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
Report Symbols
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
Resource Monitor
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Kefas Lungu
Review Cursor Copier
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tuukka Ojala tuukka.ojala@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Abdel abdelkrim.bensaid@gmail.com, Noelia nrm1977@gmail.com
Say Product Name and Version
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Luke Davis XLTechie@newanswertech.com
Screenshots wizard
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Javi Domínguez fjavids@gmail.com
Search With
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Ibrahim Hamadeh ibra.hamadeh@hotmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Doug Lee
Sound Splitter
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Luke Davis newanswertech@gmail.com
Speak Passwords
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net
Speech History
- Compatible: Yes (coming soon to the website)
- 連絡先: Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net, James Scholes
Speech Logger
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Luke Davis XLTechie@newanswertech.com
Station Playlist
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Geoff Shang, Joseph Lee and other contributors
Switch synth
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net
Synth ring settings selector
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: David CM dhf360@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
連絡先: Rui Fontes rui.fontes@tiflotecnia.com, Rui Batista ruiandrebatista@gmail.com, Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com, NVDAコミュニティの貢献者
TeamTalk Classic
互換性: はい (外部から入手可能)
- 注: 今後更新されない
- 連絡先: Doug Lee with initial work by Tyler Spivey and others
Tele NVDA remote assistance
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Asociación Comunidad Hispanohablante de NVDA contacto@nvda.es and other contributors, Original work by Tyler Spivey tspivey@pcdesk.net, Christopher Toth q@q-continuum.net
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Rui Fontes rui.fontes@tiflotecnia.com, Ângelo Abrantes ampa4374@gmail.com and Abel Passos do Nascimento Jr. abel.passos@gmail.com
Text Information
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Carter Temm crtbraille@gmail.com
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Pierre-Louis Renaud (Thunderbird v. 78 to 102), Daniel Poiraud (TB v. 68 to 91), Abdelkrim Bensaïd for a part of TB 78, Yannick (TB v. 38 to 60)
Time Zoner
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Munawar Bijani
Tip of the Day
- 互換性: いいえ
- 連絡先: Derek Riemer driemer.riemer@gmail.com
Tony's enhancements
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Alberto Buffolino a.buffolino@gmail.com
Training Keyboard commands
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Ibrahim Hamadeh ibra.hamadeh@hotmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Mesar Hameed mhameed@src.gnome.org, Patrick ZAJDA patrick@zajda.fr, Leonard de Ruijter (Babbage B.V.) leonard@babbage.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Kostya Gladkiy gladkiy.kostya@gmail.com
URL Shortener
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Noelia Ruiz Martínez nrm1977@gmail.com
Virtual Audio Cable
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Doug Lee
Virtual Review
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Rui Batista ruiandrebatista@gmail.com およびNVDAアドオンチーム
VLC Media Player
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Javi Dominguez fjavids@gmail.com
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Tiflotecnia, LDA. tiflotecnia@tiflotecnia.com
Weather Plus
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Adriano Barbieri adrianobarb@yahoo.it
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- Contact: Kostya Gladkiygladkiy.kostya@gmail.com
Windows App Essentials
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590@gmail.com, Derek Riemer driemer.riemer@gmail.com 他
Windows Magnifier
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Cyrille Bougot cyrille.bougot2@laposte.net
Win Wizard
- 互換性: いいえ
- Contact: Oriol Gomez ogomez.s92@gmail.com, Łukasz Golonka lukasz.golonka@mailbox.org
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Tony Malykh anton.malykh@gmail.com
Zoom Accessibility Enhancements
- Compatible: Yes (available on the website)
- 連絡先: Mohammad Suliman mohmad.s93@gmail.com, Eilana Benish benish.ilana@gmail.com