Important: if you are using NVDA 2017.3 or later on Windows 10, please consider using built-in Windows 10 OCR.

Rozpoznáva text pomocou OCR na neprístupných objektoch. Na analýzu používa rozhranie Tesseract. Pomocou objektovej navigácie sa nastavte na objekt, ktorý chcete rozpoznať a stlačte NVDA+R. Klávesovú skratku je možné upraviť v dialógu klávesové skratky, vo vetve rôzne. Jazyk rozpoznávania môžete nastaviť v menu NVDA>Nastavenia OCR.

Change log:

Changes for 2.1:

  • When recognition is performed on an edit field it is now possible to navigate it with the system caret without moving focus from it and back again.
  • Tesseract release info is no longer written to the focused console.
  • When no text is recognized this fact is announced to the user.
  • It is no longer possible to attempt recognition on an invisible object.
  • WX is now used to capture images instead of Pillow.

Changes for 2.0:

  • Compatibility with NVDA 2019.3 and later.
  • It is possible to set different recognition languages for different configuration profiles.
  • OCR settings can now be changed from NVDA settings dialog rather than from a separate dialog in the tools menu.