Speech Logger

NVDA Speech Logger add-on

  • Autor: Luke Davis, con contribucións de James Scholes
  • Descargar versión estable
  • Compatibilidade con NVDA: 2019.3.1 e posteriores

An NVDA add-on to log speech to a file or files. It can log speech generated on the local machine into a text file. It can also log speech from a remote machine received through the NVDA Remote add-on, either to the same or a different file.


To configure this add-on, open the NVDA menu, go to Preferences, then Settings, then Speech Logger (NVDA+N, P, S, then press S until you get there, on a default U.S. English keyboard). There is also an unassigned gesture in the Input Gestures "Configuration" category, which you can assign and use to quickly open the add-on's settings directly. Note: the add-on can only be configured while in the Normal Configuration profile of NVDA. The add-on is not profile-aware. If you can think of some use case that requires it to operate differently in different profiles, please contact the author or file an issue on the GitHub repo.

Están dispoñibles as seguintes opcións:

  • O directorio de rexistro (log directory). Podes introducir ou explorar o teu directorio de destino desexado, que debe existir xa. Pódense utilizar neste campo variables do sistema como %temp%, %userprofile%, etc.
  • Nome de arquivo do rexistro local (local log filename). O arquivo creado porase no directorio de arriba. Conterá a fala rexistrada mentres o modo de rexistro local estea activado. Pode ser o mesmo que o arquivo de rexistro remoto. déixao en blanco para desactivar este tipo de rexistro por completo.
  • Nome de arquivo do rexistro remoto (remote log filename). O arquivo creado porase no directorio de arriba. Conterá a fala rexistrada mentres o modo de rexistro remoto estea activado. Pode ser o mesmo que o arquivo de rexistro local. déixao en blanco para desactivar este tipo de rexistro por completo.
  • Separador (separator). Esta caixa combinada permíteche escoller un dos separadores de declaración dispoñibles. consulte a continuación para máis información.
  • Separador persoalizado (custom separator). Este campo permíteche introducir un separador de declaración persoalizado (consulte a continuación), que se utiliza se "custom" (persoalizado) está seleccionado na caixa combinada.
  • Timestamp mode. This combobox allows you to choose between no timestamps, and a timestamp at the start and end of each log session.
  • Log speech during say-all (read to end) mode. This add-on logs speech generated when you press NVDA+DownArrow (NVDA+a in laptop layout). If you would rather not have that kind of narrative long reading logged, un-check this box.
  • Begin logging at startup. You can set this option to "Always", if you want speech to be logged automatically when NVDA starts. This only applies to local speech, and the default is "never".

separador de declaración

When NVDA speaks something such as "recycle bin 1 of 55" while it's reading your desktop, this is considered two separate utterances. The first one is the item name ("Recycle bin", in this example), and the second is the object position information ("1 of 55", in this example).

En función do que esteas lendo, e de como teñas NVDA configurado, pode haber varias declaracións separadas que se produzan durante unha soa secuencia de fala.

No rexistro normal de NVDA en modo depuración, cada declaración individual sepárase con dous espazos, como está escrito no exemplo de arriba.

Speech Logger allows you to separate utterances in the same way NVDA does (with two spaces), or by one of a few reasonable alternatives (a newline, a comma and a space, a tab, two underscores), or by a custom sequence of your own devising.

If, for example, you wanted your utterance separator to be two dollar signs ($$), you would set the combobox to "custom", and enter "$$" (without the quotes), in the custom separator field. If you wanted it to be a newline followed by a tab, you could enter "\n\t".


This add-on has two keyboard shortcuts set by default, and one that is unassigned.

The default gestures, which you can change in the NVDA Input Gestures "Speech Logger" category, are:

  • NVDA+Alt+L: iniciar/deter rexistro de fala local.
  • NVDA+Shift+Alt+L: iniciar/deter rexistro de fala remota.

These are listed as "Toggles logging of local speech" and "Toggles logging of remote speech", respectively.

Additionally, it has one unassigned gesture for opening its configuration panel, which you may assign from the Speech Logger category in NVDA's Input Gestures.

Unha nota sobre o rexistro de fala remota

Este complemento está pensado para traballar co complemento NVDA Remote, para o rexistro de fala remota.

É importante saber, que non é posible iniciar o rexistro de sesións remotas ata que non empeces unha realmente. Non hai forma de, por exemplo, iniciar o rexistro, e facer que agarde, en segundo plano, a que comece unha sesión remota, e que comece o rexistro nese momento.

Porén, unha vez empece unha, o rexistro continuará aínda que se cambie de sesión.

Comentarios e solicitudes de características

If you would like to suggest a feature or report a bug, please reach out by email, or file an issue.

If you find this add-on useful, it would really help if you could leave a review.

As always, I appreciate hearing that my add-ons are helpful, and finding out what people are using them for.