[[!meta title=„Zapisnik govora (Speech Logger)"]]
NVDA dodatak zapisnika govora
- Autor: Luke Davis, doprinositelj James Scholes
- Preuzmi stabilnu verziju
- NVDA kompatibilnost: 2019.3 i novija izdanja
NVDA dodatak za zapis govora u datoteku ili datoteke. Može zabilježiti govor generiran na lokalnom računalu u tekstualnu datoteku. Također može zabilježiti govor s udaljenog uređaja primljen putem NVDA Remote dodatka, bilo u istu ili jednu drugu datoteku.
To configure this add-on, open the NVDA menu, go to Preferences, then Settings, then Speech Logger (NVDA+N, P, S, then press S until you get there, on a default U.S. English keyboard). There is also an unassigned gesture in the Input Gestures "Configuration" category, which you can assign and use to quickly open the add-on's settings directly. Note: the add-on can only be configured while in the Normal Configuration profile of NVDA. The add-on is not profile-aware. If you can think of some use case that requires it to operate differently in different profiles, please contact the author or file an issue on the GitHub repo.
Dostupne su sljedeće postavke:
- Direktorij zapisnika. Možeš upistai ili pretražiti željeni odredišni direktorij koji već mora postojati. U ovom polju se mogu koristiti varijable sustava kao što su %temp%, %userprofile%, itd.
- Local log filename. The created file will be placed in the above directory. This will contain speech logged while the local log mode is engaged. This can be the same as the remote log file. Leave blank to disable this kind of logging completely.
- Remote log filename. The created file will be placed in the above directory. This will contain speech logged while the remote log mode is engaged. It can be the same as the local log file. Leave blank to disable this kind of logging completely.
- Separator. This combobox lets you choose one of the available utterance separators. See below for more information.
- Prilagođeni separator. Ovo polje omogućuje unos prilagođenog separatora izgovora (pogledaj niže dolje), koji se koristi ako je u popisu odabrana opcija „prilagođeno”.
- Timestamp mode. This combobox allows you to choose between no timestamps, and a timestamp at the start and end of each log session.
- Log speech during say-all (read to end) mode. This add-on logs speech generated when you press NVDA+DownArrow (NVDA+a in laptop layout). If you would rather not have that kind of narrative long reading logged, un-check this box.
- Begin logging at startup. You can set this option to "Always", if you want speech to be logged automatically when NVDA starts. This only applies to local speech, and the default is "never".
Separator izgovora
When NVDA speaks something such as "recycle bin 1 of 55
" while it's
reading your desktop, this is considered two separate utterances. The first
one is the item name ("Recycle bin
", in this example), and the second is
the object position information ("1 of 55
", in this example).
Ovisno o tome što čitaš i o konfiguriraciji NVDA čitača, može postojati nekoliko zasebnih izgovora tijekom jedne govorne sekvence.
In the normal NVDA log at debug level, each individual utterance is separated with two spaces, as it is written in the example above.
Speech Logger allows you to separate utterances in the same way NVDA does (with two spaces), or by one of a few reasonable alternatives (a newline, a comma and a space, a tab, two underscores), or by a custom sequence of your own devising.
If, for example, you wanted your utterance separator to be two dollar signs
), you would set the combobox to "custom", and enter "$$
" (without
the quotes), in the custom separator field. If you wanted it to be a
newline followed by a tab, you could enter "\n\t
This add-on has two keyboard shortcuts set by default, and one that is unassigned.
The default gestures, which you can change in the NVDA Input Gestures
"Speech Logger
" category, are:
- NVDA+Alt+L: pokreni/prekini zapisivanje govora na lokalnom uređaju.
- NVDA+Shift+Alt+L: NVDA+Alt+L: pokreni/prekini zapisivanje govora na eksternom uređaju.
These are listed as "Toggles logging of local speech" and "Toggles logging of remote speech", respectively.
Additionally, it has one unassigned gesture for opening its configuration
panel, which you may assign from the Speech Logger
category in NVDA's
Input Gestures.
Napomena o zapisivanju govora na eksternom uređaju
This add-on is intended to work with the NVDA Remote add-on, for logging of remote speech.
It is important to know, that it is not possible to start logging for remote sessions until you actually start one. There is no way to, for example, start logging, and have it wait, on stand-by, until a remote session starts, and begin logging at that time.
However, once started, logging will continue across remote sessions.
Povratne informacije i predlaganje novih funkcija
Ako želiš predložiti funkciju ili prijaviti grešku, javi se putem e-pošte ili pošalji problem.
If you find this add-on useful, it would really help if you could leave a review.
As always, I appreciate hearing that my add-ons are helpful, and finding out what people are using them for.