Tonijeva poboljšanja (Tony's Enhancements)

Ovaj dodatak sadrži mnoga mala poboljšanja NVDA čitača ekrana, a svako od tih poboljšanja je premaleno, da bi zaslužilo zaseban dodatak.

This add-on is compatible with NVDA version 2024.2 or later


Please install the latest version from NVDA add-on store.

Poboljšani prečaci za kretanje po tablicama

  • NVDA+kontrol+brojka – skoči na 1., 2., 3., … 10. stupac u tablici.
  • NVDA+Alt+brojka – skoči na 1., 2., 3., … 10. redak u tablici.

Copying tables to clipboard

With the following shortcuts you can copy either the whole table or current row or current column in a formatted way, so that you can paste it as a table to rich text editors, such as Microsoft Word or WordPad.

  • NVDA+Alt+T - shows popup menu with options to copy table or part of it.

There are also separate scripts for copying tables, rows, columns and cells, but they don't have keyboard shortcuts assigned by default, custom keyboard shortcuts cfor them can be assigned in InputGestures dialog of NVDA.

Automatic language switching

Allows to automatically switch the language of your synthesizer by character set. Refgular expression for every language can be configured in the preferences window for this add-on. Please make sure that your synthesizer supports all the languages you're interested in. Switching between two Latin-based languages or two languages whose character sets are similar is not supported at this time.

Quicksearch commands

As of version v1.18, QuickSearch commands have been moved to IndentNav add-on.

Suppress unwanted 'unselected' speech from NVDA

Suppose you have some text selected in text editors. Then you press a key, such as Home, or UpArrow, that is supposed to take you to another part of the document. NVDA would announce 'unselected' and then speak the former selection, which can be inconvenient at times. This feature prevents NVDA from speaking formerly selected text in situations like this.

Dinamični tipkovnički prečaci

Moguće je dodijeliti dinamične tipkovničke prečace. Nakon izdavanja takvog prečaca, NVDA će provjeriti aktualiziranja trenutačno fokusiranog prozora i ako je redak aktualiziran, NVDA će to automatski izgovoriti. Na primjer, određeni prečaci u uređivačima teksta trebaju biti označeni kao dinamični, kao što je skok na zabilješku, skok na jedan drugi redak te prečaci za uklanjanja grešaka, kao što je ukoračiti/prijeći preko.

Format tablice dinamičkih prečaca je jednostavan: svaki redak sadrži pravilo u sljedećem formatu: appName keystroke gdje je appName ime aplikacije u kojoj je ovaj prečac označen dinamičnim (ili * za označavanje dinamičnosti u svim aplikacijama), a keystroke je tipkovnički prečac u NVDA formatu, na primjer, kontrol+alt+šift+stranica dolje.

In order to figure out appName for your application, do this:

  1. Switch to your application.
  2. Open NVDA Python Console by pressing NVDA+Shift+Z.
  3. Type focus.appModule.appName and hit enter.
  4. Press F6 to go to output pane and find appName value in the last line.

Showing and hiding windows

As of version v1.18 show/hide commands have been moved to Task Switcher add-on.

Signaliziraj zvukom kad je NVDA zauzet

Označi ovu NVDA opciju za pružanje povratnih informacija zvukom kad je NVDA zauzet. Zauzetost NVDA čitača ne mora nužno značiti problem s NVDA-om, već je to signal korisniku, da se bilo koje NVDA naredbe neće odmah izvršiti.

Application Volume adjustment

This functionality has been merged into NVDA core and is available in NVDA v2024.3 or later.

Mute microphone

This add-on provides a command for switching the microphone. There is no gesture assigned to this command by default, you can assign a gesture in NVDA's "Input Gestures" dialog if needed.

Sound split

This functionality has been merged into NVDA core and is available in NVDA v2024.2 or later.

Enhanced mouse functions

  • Alt+NumPadDivide: Point mouse cursor at current object and click it.
  • Alt+NumPadMultiply: Point mouse cursor at current object and right mouse button click on it.
  • Alt+NumPadDelete: Move mouse cursor out of the way to top left corner of the screen. This can be useful to prevent unwanted hover over windows in certain applications.

The functionality for mouse wheel scrolling has been merged into NVDA core and is available in NVDA v2024.3 or later.

Detecting insert mode in text editors

If this option is enabled, NVDA will beep when it detects insert mode in text editors.

Blokiranje dvostrukog unosa tipkovničkog prečaca

U NVDA čitaču, uzastopnim dvostrukim pritiskom na tipku „Insert”, mijenja način umetanja u aplikacije. No, ponekad se to dogodi slučajno i pokreće modus za umetanje. Budući da je ovo zaseban tipkovnički prečac, on se ne može deaktivirati u postavkama. Ovaj dodatak omogućuje način blokiranja ovog tipkovničkog prečaca. Kad je dvostruko umetanje blokirano, modus umetanja može se mijenjati pritiskom na NVDA+F2, a zatim „Insert”.

Ova je opcija standardno deaktivirana i mora se aktivirati u postavkama.

Blocking double Caps Lock keystroke

In NVDA, when Caps Lock is set as an NVDA key, pressing it twice in a row toggles between uppercase and lowercase input modes. However, this can sometimes cause unintentional switching between these modes. Since this key’s behavior is unique and cannot be disabled through settings, this add-on offers a method to block this specific keyboard shortcut. When the double Caps Lock key press is blocked, you can still switch between uppercase and lowercase input modes by pressing NVDA+F2 followed by the Caps Lock key.

Ova je opcija standardno deaktivirana i mora se aktivirati u postavkama.

System priority of NVDA process

This allows to boost system priority of NVDA process, that might improve NVDA responsiveness, especially when CPU load is high.

Fixing a bug when focus gets stuck in the taskbar when pressing Windows+Numbers

This feature has been removed as of version v1.18. If you need a more reliable task switching functionality, please consider using Task Switcher add-on.