Kraćenje URL adresa (URL Shortener)

  • Autor: Noelia Ruiz Martínez

Ovaj se dodatak koristi za skraćivanje URL adresa putem

Dijaloški okvir „Skrati URL”

Go to NVDA's menu, Tools submenu, and activate the Shorten URL item.

Alternatively, you can assign a gesture from the Input gestures dialog of NVDA.

The Shorten URL dialog includes the following controls:

  • A list to select one of the saved URLs. From this list, Press shift+tab to search, and tab to press one of the following buttons.
  • Copy shortened URL. This can also be activated by pressing Enter from the URLs list.
  • A readonly box showing details about the selected URL.
  • Set of controls to shorten a new URL: Provide the new URL; optionally, you can set a display name and a custom subfix for the shortened URL. Finally, press the Shorten URL button.
  • Rename: opens a dialog to provide a new name to display the selected URL on the list.
  • Delete: opens a dialog to delete the selected URL.
  • Remove saved URLs: opens a dialog to remove the saved URLs from the configuration folder.
  • Close.

Promjene u 8.0.0

  • Added a readonly box with details about the selected URL.

Promjene u 5.0.0

  • The new URL dialog has been replaced with a set of controls in the main dialog, so that the focus can be placed in the relevant field to fix possible errors.

Promjene u 2.0.0

  • Opcija „Skrati URL” se neće pojaviti više puta u podizborniku „Alati” prilikom ponovnog učitavanja dodataka.
  • Dijaloški okvir „Novi URL” uključuje okvir za uređivanje za pružanje prilagođenog podfiksa za skraćeni URL.

Promjene u 1.0.0

  • Prva verzija.