VLC Media Player

यो उप-कर्मीले VLC Media Player को विचरणमा केही हद सम्म पहुँचता बढाउँने छ ।

  1. Allows navigating through the playback controls using Tab and Shift+Tab. To activate a selected control press enter.
  2. Reads status bar information (press I). The gesture can be set up in NVDA preferences.
  3. Says elapsed time when moving back and forward using VLC keystrokes: Control plus left/right arrow to skip 1 minute and Shift plus left/right arrows to skip 5 seconds. You can set the verbosity in the NVDA preferences. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to toggle it.
  4. Announces state when change random mode (key R) and repeat mode (key L).
  5. There are some layered windows and panels that NVDA is not able to focus it automatically when they are displayed. Press Control+Tab to try to bring them to the front.

  6. Important note: This addon is optimized for versions of VLC 3.0 and higher; it will not work correctly with earlier versions.

  7. Covered by the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING.txt for more details.