Mozilla Apps增强

此插件为Mozilla aps提供NVDA增强功能。


  • NVDA + A(桌面)或NVDA + Control + A(笔记本)读取页面地址。如果快速按两次,则将其复制到剪贴板。
  • NVDA + End(桌面)或NVDA + Shift + End(笔记本)读取状态栏。如果快速按两次,则将其复制到剪贴板。
  • NVDA + F8显示已打开选项卡的列表。如果快速按两次,则显示工具栏的按钮。
  • NVDA + Control + N读取最后一个通知,通过快速按两次显示通知的历史记录。
  • NVDA + F6将焦点定位在文档上。


  • In a message window:
    • Control+Shift+(1-4) Reads the sender and recipients of the message. If pressed twice quickly, opens the options menu.
    • Control+Shift+5 Reads the subject of the message.
    • Control+Shift+6 Reads date of the message.
    • Control+Shift+A Brings the focus to the list of attachments, if any. (These scripts are also available in the list of messages if you activate the preview pane.)
  • In the bar of fast filtering:
    • Press down Arrow to display more options, enter to check/unchek the selected option.
  • In messages list:
    • If the preview pane is active, press NVDA+downArrow (desktop) or NVDA+A (laptop) to read the message without leaving the list.
    • Control+NVDA+1-9 moves between columns.
    • NVDA+H Displays a dialog in which you can change the order of the columns in the message list.
